First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was killed in action while operating with a partisan unit on the island of Ohwa-do. First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was one of the original 99 10th Special Forces Group soldiers that were assigned to the 8240th AU. He was part of the 2nd shipment, 27 March 1953, that consisted of 3 officers and 7 enlisted.

First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was killed in action while operating with a partisan unit on the island of Ohwa-do. First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was one of the original 99 10th Special Forces Group soldiers that were assigned to the 8240th AU. He was part of the 2nd shipment, 27 March 1953, that consisted of 3 officers and 7 enlisted.

First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was killed in action while operating with a partisan unit on the island of Ohwa-do. First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was one of the original 99 10th Special Forces Group soldiers that were assigned to the 8240th AU. He was part of the 2nd shipment, 27 March 1953, that consisted of 3 officers and 7 enlisted.

First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was killed in action while operating with a partisan unit on the island of Ohwa-do. First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was one of the original 99 10th Special Forces Group soldiers that were assigned to the 8240th AU. He was part of the 2nd shipment, 27 March 1953, that consisted of 3 officers and 7 enlisted.

First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was killed in action while operating with a partisan unit on the island of Ohwa-do. First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was one of the original 99 10th Special Forces Group soldiers that were assigned to the 8240th AU. He was part of the 2nd shipment, 27 March 1953, that consisted of 3 officers and 7 enlisted.

First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was killed in action while operating with a partisan unit on the island of Ohwa-do. First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was one of the original 99 10th Special Forces Group soldiers that were assigned to the 8240th AU. He was part of the 2nd shipment, 27 March 1953, that consisted of 3 officers and 7 enlisted.

First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was killed in action while operating with a partisan unit on the island of Ohwa-do. First Lieutenant Douglas Payne was one of the original 99 10th Special Forces Group soldiers that were assigned to the 8240th AU. He was part of the 2nd shipment, 27 March 1953, that consisted of 3 officers and 7 enlisted.

CPT Edward Morris Special Forces Diploma. CPT Morris served with Task Force Scannon - 3rd Partisan Infantry Regiment. Courtesy of CPT Edward Morris collection, USAHEC.

Original UNPIK Honorable Discharge certificate awarded to MSG Charles Lamb.

Japanese embroidered bullion ribbon bar attributed to MSG Charles Lamb.

Japanese embroidered ribbon bar attributed to MSG Charles Lamb.

Theatre made UNPFK Skull ring that was worn by MSG Charlie Lamb.

MSG Lamb conducting demolition training for the Partisans of the 6th PIR, fall of 1953. If you look at his right hand you can see that he is wearing the skull ring.

Korean machine embroidered 7th Infantry Division nametape acquired by MSG Lamb while conducting Line Crosser missions with the TLO during the period of 22 April to 4 May 1953 in the 7th Infantry Division area of operation.

MSG Charlie Lamb's original 8240th AU non disclosure statement.

MSG Charlie Lamb's 8240th AU Arms Room weapons card.

MSG Charles Lamb 8240th AU Men's Ration Card.

Original UNPIK Certificate of Achievement awarded to SFC George Yosich. Note the end date - 31 January 1955. The Armistice was signed 27 July 1953.

Original UNPIK Certificate of Achievement write up for SFC George Yosich. Note the end date - 31 January 1955. The Armistice was signed 27 July 1953.

Original UNPIK Honorable Discharge certificate awarded to SFC George Yosich.

SFC Yosich 8240th AU Non Disclosure Statment. For many decades after the Korean War 8240th AU vets were very tight lipped and still wary of talking about their service because it had been classified.

SFC George Yosich Silver Royalty Decoration document.

Original certificate awarded to LTC Enrique Petrovich, Commander of the 6th PIR. Roughly translated: This is a certificate awarded by the Government of South Korea to LTC Enrique Petrovich, Commanding Officer of 6th Parachute Infantry Regiment, ASN 0373942, 8240th AU, for service in training Partisan Airborne Infantry from Jan 3rd, 4286 (Korean Calander) to 4287. By direction of the president and signed by the Secretary of Defense Son, Wan Il, and his first director, Colonel Ko, Jae phil.

Original UNPIK Certificate of Achievement awarded to PFC Ray Easter. Note the end date - 31 January 1955. The Armistice was signed 27 July 1953.

Original blank UNPFK Honorable Discharge certificate brought back by MSG Charles Lamb.

Original blank UNPIK Honorable Discharge certificate brought back by MSG Charles Lamb.

Original UNPIK Partisan Officers Leadership School certificate awarded to Mok Yung Sue.

Original UNPIK Honorable Discharge certificate awarded to Chang Ha Sang, 1st Partisan Infantry Regiment

Original blank 8240th AU Partisan Identification Card brought back by MSG Lamb.

2nd LT Reuben Mooradian United Nations Partisan Infantry Korea (UNPIK) Infantry Officers Cross Rifle brass. Mooradian was one of the officers from 10th Special Forces Group that went to Korea to serve in 8240th AU (UNPIK), 4th shipment on 17 April 1953. After the Korean War Mooradian served with 10th SFG (A), 5th SFG (A), and 7th SFG (A) several tours in Laos and Vietnam and retiring as a LTC. As of this date this is the only set of UNPIK Officer brass known.

10th Special Forces Group soldiers assigned to the 8240th AU in Japan with their United Nations counterparts, (L to R) 1LT Brian Passey, 1LT Murl Tullis, 1LT Reuben Mooradian, CPT Bliss Croft, 1LT Charlie Norton (in Australian hat), Captain John Sullivan Australian Army, Lieutenant Johnston Australian Army (in U.S. Overseas cap) 1LT Mike Layton, Lieutenant George, British Army. Photo taken at Camp Ebisu, Japan, Spring 1954.

Original cover to a $5.00 beer chit book 8240th documents and skull and crossbones jacket patch attributed to MSG Harold Retzlaff. MSG Retzlaff was assigned to the 1st PIR (formally LEOPARD South) located on the island of Paengnyong-do.

A close up of MSG Harold Retzlaff end of tour skull and crossbones jacket patch.

Original 8240th stationary brought back by MSG Lamb.

The inscription on the back reads: PRESENTED TO Lt. Col. Charles A. Krebs Senior Officer Aboard YAK 120 The Evening 3 August 1954 While Cruising In Yellow Sea Off Coast of Korea Struck Rocks and Sank. No Losses. No Casualties. Sterling 950

A photo of YAK 120 On the evening of 3 August 1954, while cruising in the yellow sea off the coast of Korea the boat struck rocks and sank.

This is a matching pair of 950 sterling silver mugs that were presented to LTC Charles A. Krebs and his wife Sally S. Krebs, from Members of the Officers Club, UNPIK. It is approximately 11.2mm in height and 12mm width at the handle area. The top of the mug is 6.7mm in width, and the base is 8.6mm. The only identifying marks on these mugs are on the bottom, STERLING 950.

This is a matching pair of 950 sterling silver mugs that were presented to 1st LT Howard E. Miller and his wife Mary, from Members of the Officers Club, UNPIK. They are approximately 11.2mm in height and 12mm width at the handle area. The top of the mug is 6.7mm in width, and the base is 8.6mm. The only identifying marks on these mugs are on the bottom, STERLING 950.

Mary Vaughn's, wife of CPT James C Vaughn Sterling Silver UNPIK mug.

4 inch British naval round converted into ashtray from the HMNZS Hawea. 21 July 1953, approximately 150 NKPA troops using eight large junks for transportation attacked Ohwa-do, the island that served as Perry’s unit’s base of operation. The NKPA forces had succeeded in killing seven officers and 20 men of the unit when the HMNZS Hawea arrives and fires on the enemy causing their attack to fail. Presented to LTC Perry by The Skipper of the HMNZS Hawea. Courtesy of Mike Perry

UNPFK lighter attributed to MSG Charles Lamb.

UNPFK Spook Zippo Lighter.

United Nations Partisan Infantry Korea (UNPIK) lighter named to 1LT Ruben Mooradian. Mooradian was one of the officers from 10th Special Forces Group that went to Korea to serve in 8240th AU (UNPIK), 4th shipment on 17 April 1953. Assigned as an advisor to the 1st and 5th Partisan Infantry Regiment. After the Korean War Mooradian served with 10th SFG (A), 5th SFG (A), and 7th SFG (A) several tours in Laos and Vietnam and retiring as a LTC.

UNPFK Japanese made Konwal Super lighter attributed to SGT Michael Christensen. Notice the UNPFK SSI on the bottom right and the Airborne Infantry badge on the hood of the lighter.

An original wartime FEC/LD lighter with Airborne Infantry badge and Spook. Courtesy of Bob Chatt

An original wartime FEC/LD lighter with Airborne Infantry badge attributed to CPL Bob Menton.

FEC/LD lighter with Spook. Courtesy of Bob Chatt

Original 1952 dated propaganda leaflet targeting North Korean farmers and asking for there help in support of the Partisan effort. These leaflets were designed by the First Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet Group (1st RB&L). This leaflet has its original "Cut Sheet". Cut sheets provided the psychological warfare illustrators with the necessary information to produce an individual leaflet.

Translation: This is the Decisive Battle This is the Charge

Front and back portion of the Guerrilla Times brought back by 1st LT Harry Agler. 1st LT Harry Agler served with the OSS during World War Two and was an original/early partisan advisor planning and conducting guerrilla operations against the enemy during the Korean War.